Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O

Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O

Key Specification Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O 2009

Engine and Drive Train

Engine power6 HP
Transmission TypeAutomatic
Displacement40 ccm

Dimensions and Weights

Seat Height455 mm
Dry Weight23 kg
Fuel Tank Capacity2 l
License compliancyAM
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FAQ Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O

Which one is better? Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O or {AlternativeBrandModel}?
You can compare these two motorcycles here. You can find all pros and cons of the comparable model here.
How about the availability of the Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O?
Compared to other Pocketbike bikes the availability is very poor. There are very few Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O bikes available on the market.
How popular is the Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O?
There is a very weak demand for a Polini Team Movistar Replica H2O on the market.
What is the data source for the content on this page?
The data comes from the online motorcycle magazine '1000PS'. 1000PS was founded in 2001. The company is based in Austria. Most of the content is published in German. However, the team also presents motorcycle test videos in English on YouTube. Here you can find 1000PS on Instagram.

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